The Meadows Lodge was instituted on May 21, 2007 as the result of a merger between Charles C. Spellman Lodge and Longmeadow Lodge, both of East Longmeadow. Charles C. Spellman Lodge was originally instituted in 1921 and Longmeadow Lodge was originally instituted in 1932.
The Meadows Lodge became even stronger on August 25th 2018 when Wilbraham Masonic Lodge and The Mead0ws Lodge merged into one. Wilbraham Masonic Lodge, of Wilbraham, MA was the result of a previous merger with Springfield Lodge and Newton Lodge in 2002.
​Click here for the all of the Lodges MasonicGenealogy
The Meadows Lodge is a very active, vibrant Lodge with many activities and programs and has a very active and engaged membership. The Meadows Lodge building has one of the largest and most ornate lodge rooms in Western Massachusetts, seating nearly 130 people. It also has a spacious dining area capable of seating 110.